Have you been searching for the best Web Hosting providers? This cannot be easy. There are hundreds of different, reputable hosting companies out there, each of them offering different packages. We are here to help. We wrote this blog with no intention of pushing our own services but more so to help clarify what is actually important when choosing a web host.
Websites are key to the success of your small business. A great website for your small business will help you gain more customers and drive more leads. The benefits of choosing a good web hosting provider will help propel your website sales and level up your online marketing plan.
Selecting a good WebHost is just as important as choosing your domain provider, especially if you intend to build a successful website. The blog post highlights five questions that need to be answered when choosing a Web hosting partner for your business.

A wise person once advised, “When transitioning your business website to a new hosting provider, consider asking yourself these seven essential questions.”
Here are 7 questions you should ask yourself when choosing a Web hosting provider:
1. Are they reliable and secure?
The most important thing to look for in a Web Host is whether the company is reliable, affordable and secure. You want to know that your site won’t go down due to server issues or lack of support. Also, you don’t want anyone hacking into your site and stealing your data or bringing down your site with malicious code.
2. How long have they been in business?
You’ll want to make sure that the company you choose has been around for several years and is stable. If it’s just a new company, then their track record may not be as strong as one that has been around longer.
You need to choose a web hosting provider that will deliver a reliable, secure and fast website. Unfortunately, there are many companies out there that are not up to the task.

3. Is it easy to use and affordable?
Affordability is also key when choosing a web host. If you’re starting out, then you might not have enough money to fork out for an expensive plan right away, so it’s important to find one that won’t break the bank but still provides all of the features you need, like unlimited storage or bandwidth.
4. What features come with your hosting plan for my budget?
You also want to make sure that their features meet all of your needs as well as their prices! For example: if they don’t offer SSL certificates, then they may not be able to help with security issues on your site, such as user logins or payment systems.
You also want to make sure that their features meet all of your needs as well as their prices! For example: if they don’t offer SSL certificates, then they may not be able to help with security issues on your site, such as user logins or payment systems.
5. How much technical support do they have, and what tools do they have to offer?
You’ll want reliable customer service whenever you need it, whether that’s during normal business hours or after-hours emergencies. But more than just technical support, ask if they offer assistance with other aspects of running a business online such as marketing or SEO.

6. What tools do they have to offer?
If you’re not a web designer, then you’ll want help with building and maintaining your website. Look for companies that offer free tools like website builders or hosting so that you don’t have to pay extra for them. And if your business requires complex coding, look for companies that have experts on staff who can help out when needed.
Some web hosts will offer additional tools such as free website builders, free email accounts, and free domain name registration. These are often helpful for new businesses that need to get started quickly without having to hire someone else to do it for them.
7. Can your host handle large amounts of traffic?
Bandwidth refers to how much data can be transferred from your server to users’ devices (like phones, tablets and computers) per month. Having enough bandwidth can prevent slow load times on your site — which is especially important if you’re running an e-commerce store where people are buying things every second of every day!
Additional Basic Web Hosting Questions
What Is Web Hosting?
Web hosting is essentially a service that offers space on a server to store your website’s files. A server is essentially a computer that’s connected to the internet, allowing you to access it from anywhere in the world.
How Does Web Hosting Work?
When someone visits your website, their browser requests the web page from your web host’s server. This request goes through a series of steps before reaching its destination:
When someone visits your website, their browser requests the web page from your web host’s server. This request goes through a series of steps before reaching its destination:
The user types in “www.website.com” into their browser and hits enter. The browser then sends this request to its own DNS system, which looks up “www.website.com.” Your ISP receives this request and forwards it along until it reaches an actual server somewhere online (or even two or three, depending on how many layers there are).
Once it reaches this server, the server looks at its internal DNS and finds the IP address of your website. Now that it has this information, it can send a response back to the user’s computer, which then displays your website.
Browsing through web hosting providers can be a little overwhelming, but don’t fret! If you ask yourself these questions before buying, you’ll make the perfect decision.